Sign the Petitions
Click here to see our list of petitions you can sign.
Contact Your Legislator
You can contact your local representative or senator by calling the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) toll free at 1-800-372-7181. To contact your legislator by e-mail go to the Kentucky Legislature Contact Page.
You can find your U.S. House Representative here, and your U.S. Senator here.
Register to Vote
To register to vote in Kentucky, please visit your local county clerk’s office. You can also register to vote when you renew your driver’s license, at your local high school if you a student or staff member, or at your military recruitment office if you a member of the Armed Services. You must be at least 18 years old and be a resident of Kentucky for a minimum 28 days.
For more information about registering to vote in Kentucky, go to the Kentucky Board of Elections website. You can also call the Kentucky Secretary of State’s office at (502) 564-3490, the State Board of Elections at (502) 573-7100 or your local county clerk’s office.